Visual Impact of Feminist Protest

Anouk Kuona

Anouk Kuona (*1995) is a self-taught printmaker and a student at Burg Giebichenstein University in Germany. Her prints often explore various political themes, with a consistent feminist perspective woven throughout her body of work. Many of Anouk’s pieces place the female* body at the forefront, reimagining and reclaiming it as a site of political expression.

The three works presented here demonstrate a direct connection between Anouk’s visual language and her commitment to feminist activism.

“Smash the Patriarchy” is based on a nearly life-size drawing Anouk painted on a banner with fellow activists for a feminist demonstration. The banner, approximately 150 x 300 cm, displays the slogan “MY BODY MY CHOICE” beside the figure, with “Fuck §218” on the cloth covering the figure’s face—a critique of the German law criminalizing abortion. Anouk later created this small-format linocut from the same figure.

The linocut “BOOM” was inspired by a protest led by the artist’s friends, who demonstrated against the commodification of body standards outside the filming location of Germany’s Next Top Model.

In “Burn the Patriarchy,” Anouk combines illustration, collage, and papercutting. Here again, the female body is depicted in the radiant fire of self-empowerment, breaking free from restrictive beauty norms.

Visual Impact
Anouk uses bold linocut aesthetics to enhance the dynamism and impact of her images. Her prints and illustrations captivate with stark contrasts that convey strength and energy. The provocative use of a naked female* body occupying public space underscores the urgency of protest. Creating a strong impression, the banner helped activists express their demands during demonstrations. The figure’s head in “Smash the Patriarchy” references Medusa, the mythological symbol of female rage.

“Smash the Patriarchy”
Linocut, 14,8 x 21cm, 2021, ©Anouk Kuona

Linocut, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2023 ©Anouk Kuona

“Burn the Patriarchy”
Drawing, Collage, Papercutting, 23 x 25 cm, 2021 ©Anouk Kuona

“MY BODY MY CHOICE” Banner in action
Feminist Demonstration 8th of march, 2022 ©Anouk Kuona

“MY BODY MY CHOICE” Banner in the making
Feminist Demonstration 8th of march, 2022 ©Anouk Kuona

21st Century Germany Artistic Display Printmaking Banner Illustration Reproductive Rights Empowerment Patriarchy Critique Body Autonomy