Visual Impact of Feminist Protest

Die Stadtführer*in

“Die Stadtführer*in” is a project that gathers queer, feminist, and anti-discriminatory perspectives on urban life and leads participants through the city of Cologne.

“Cities shape our daily lives, we spend time in them, we move through them. Sexist and patriarchal structures are inscribed in them” the project team explains.

The project aims to fight discriminatory structures in urban life by making them more visible. The guide was developed as part of a study project within the Queer and Gender Studies Master’s program at the University of Cologne. In spring 2022, the editorial team issued a call for contributions through social media and email distribution lists. The campaign was expanded via stickers in the city and presented at literature and city festivals in Cologne (her*story, Agora, Petershof, elk).

By asking questions like “Where do you dare to close your eyes in the city?” or “Where do you feel visible?” or plainly “How does the city of Cologne feel to you?” it encouraged responses from residents, artists, researchers, authors, and activists.

Visual Impact
The “Die Stadtführer*in” Guide was intended to be pocket sized. The design process was inspired by conventional city guides that one carries around during strolls through the city. Instead of listing historical buildings, restaurants and shopping streets, the magazine showcases stories about (in)visibility, bodies, mobility, the culture of remembrance, safe spaces, favourite places, toilets and more, on 150 pages. Many of the 35 contributors added diverse visuals to their texts and projects. For the reader the guide therefore doesn’t fail to offer multimedia content. For the design process this meant a big challenge, as it was important to keep a sense of visual consistency despite the diversity and ensure maximum accessibility and readability. 

A few days before the public launch of the guide at the Cologne Gallery GOLD+BETON, the editorial team spread posters across the city. In bold capital letters, the posters shouted quotes from the guide’s articles, strategically placed in unexpected spots—dark corners of train stations, public restrooms, high kerbsides, and even among commercial advertising spaces.

Today, the city guide continues through interactive workshops and guided tours in Cologne. Inspired by the first edition, new initiatives are also emerging in other cities. The goal is to have a local feminist city guide available at every central station.

Project Directors
Die Stadtführer*in; Anouchka Strunden, Janka Kenk, Katha Tillmann, Sarah Carbow

Cooperation Partners
Alte Feuerwache e.V., GOLD+BETON, her*story-Festival, Petershof Sommerfest, elk-Festival, AGORA Barcamp, Goethe Institut Paris, MUES, Les Saprophytes Lille

“PISSEN IST POLITISCH” (pissing is political)
Poster with a magazine quote, plastered around Cologne days before the release ©Stadtführer*in

“HIN UND WIEDER BRÖCKELT DER PATRIARCHALE PUTZ” (now and then the patriarchal facade starts to fracture)
Poster with a magazine quote, plastered around Cologne days before the release ©Stadtführer*in

Stadtführer*in Release Event, 8.11.2022, Cologne.
Photography by ©Marie Laforge

Stadtführer*in Release Event, 8.11.2022, Cologne.
Photography by ©Marie Laforge

“DIE STADTFÜHRER*IN” (The City Guide) –*IN is a gender-inclusive term in German, avoiding the generic masculine.
Magazine Cover, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

Magazine Pages, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

“On Intersectional Exclusions”
Magazine Pages, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

“Sex Drive”
Magazine Pages, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

“How Did Feminism Come to Spatial Planning?”
Magazine Pages, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

“What does the city have to do with patriarchy?”
Magazine Pages, Mockup, ©Stadtführer*in, Claudia Stollenwerk

“SIE SPRICHT ZURÜCK, DIE STADT” (the city speaks back)
Poster with a magazine quote, plastered around Cologne days before the release ©Stadtführer*in

21st Century Germany Intervention Activist Campaign Awareness Raising Storytelling Poster Publication Books Intersectionality Visibility Urbanism Empowerment